At Windlesham Manor the focus is on the quality of our service

Here at Windlesham, we pride ourselves on listening to our residents, relatives and staff. We have a named carer for each resident, offering a useful point of call for relatives, and our manager, Peter, is always happy to field any questions too.
Regular Updates
Our marketing and communications co-ordinator, Jenna, sends out regular updates around what is on the menu, the activity schedule for the week, and also our regular ‘Windlesham Times’, which reviews what has been going on and also provides an update of what we have planned in the diary. By sending these out, loved ones can keep in touch with what is happening at Windlesham. To find out more, please click on our Latest News tab and see the Windlesham Times for yourself.
Monthly Residents Meetings
We also hold monthly meetings with our residents about activities, food, and any other business, and actively listen to staff and relatives. We want to give the best care we can, so we want to have feedback so that we can learn and change anything required to achieve this.